
Friday, May 18, 2012

Online Lotteries Are the Latest Trend in Online Gaming and Network Marketing

Since their introduction several decades ago, state lotteries, multi-state lotteries, and national lotteries have brought in trillions of dollars for educational systems and other governmental programs. When prize pools roll over and the winning tickets are potentially worth tens of millions of dollars, they make the news. Co-workers combine their money and buy dozens of tickets, individuals line up at lottery ticket counters and machines, and everyone keeps their fingers crossed. The latest trend, though, doesn't require waiting; online lotteries are taking off and players are entering with only a few clicks of a mouse.
Some of these online lotteries are a departure from the traditional random draws of, say, a U. S. powerball
lottery or a U. K. National lottery. Just as online gaming has drawn bettors eager to wager on everything from celebrity marriages to natural disasters, online lotteries are now basing winning numbers on such things as the closing figures of six major European stock exchanges. One such online lottery is the GlobalWon game. Aficionados are avid about GlobalWon, saying that the odds of winning are 80 times better than U. S. powerball and 14 times better than the U. K. National lottery.
Moreover, these online gaming sites have developed a unique twist on the traditional lottery approach, in that they are set up as network marketing opportunities. The referral programs involved in such ventures allow players to not only win via choosing lottery numbers, but also to profit from the winnings of those players in their downline. In other words, the game plays like a lottery and builds like a business.
The other unique aspect of these online lotteries is that they may not fall under restrictions that typically apply to online gaming. Because they do not constitute online gaming in the traditional sense - such as online casinos and bingo parlors - they are viewed by many as legal and licensed to play worldwide. As an example, GlobalWon uses stock exchange numbers from the U. K., Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, and Austria. The stock exchanges are offline, so purchasing lottery tickets is a much different experience, say, than playing online poker.
Just as other games and network marketing opportunities have staked their claim in cyberspace, so have online lotteries.

Best Lotto Method to Pick Winning Numbers For MegaMillions Jackpot

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